Visit Huangling
Zhushan Academy

The Zhushan Academy was originally founded by Cao Zhenyong, a native of Huangling in Shexian County, who successfully passed the imperial examination in the 46th year of the Qianlong reign. The front and back halls of the academy served as teaching areas, while the upper floor housed the library. The side wall of the front hall features the four characters Zhong Xiao Lian Jie (Loyalty, Filial Piety, Integrity, and Frugality), which were inscribed by Zhu Xi for the Yuelu Academy. The gatehouse is adorned with brick carvings depicting scenes such as Happiness upon Plum Blossoms, Wishing for Sons to Achieve Success, Brothers Passing the Imperial Examination, and Mencius Mother Teaching Her Son. The side gate showcases brick carvings depicting scenes of Artistic Competitions in the Training Ground and Enjoying a Leisurely Stroll in the Qionglin Garden.
